Monday, June 9, 2014

Summer Reading

Over the course of this summer I will be reading a few books. I plan on reading Game of Thrones, Watchmen, and Into the Wild. Watchmen and Into the Wild are books that I have to read for summer reading, and Game Of Thrones I am reading for my personal pleasure. I chose to read Watchmen for my choice book because it is a graphic novel, and I have heard it is good. I chose Game of Thrones to read because I have been watching the show recently and it is an amazing show!

I would rather read during the summer as I have more time to do it. During the summer it is also very nice out which would motivate me to read outside which is much nicer than reading inside. Other years I am not very exited for summer reading, but these books sound like they will be good, and they are genres that I enjoy.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Why I dislike reading

I am personally not a big fan of reading books. I enjoy reading a book here and there, but when school calls for reading multiple books in a short amount of time I do not like it. The books chosen for school are usually not books that I enjoy to read as I enjoy adventure books. Reading the books that I do not enjoy is very boring. When you have to do assignments for the book it makes me enjoy them even less that I would have without having to do work for them. Reading is a very time consuming activity as most books are long with small print. Reading is also very strenuous on the eyes making me more tired.

My least favorite books that we have read in school would be Nectar in a Sieve, The Pearl, Guernsey's literary and potato peel society, Hiroshima, Iron and Silk, I know why the caged bird sings, Chocolat, and many others. If we were able to pick our books for school the classes would be much more enjoyable.

My Ideal Reading Situation

My ideal reading situation when I am home is in the middle of fall when the leaving are just beginning to turn into wonderful colors. My window must be open just a smidge, just enough for me to feel the breeze against my frail skin. I must have a cold hardy lemonade ready to go in case I become parched from the vigorous reading that I will be doing. The lemonade must be made from the best lemons that money can buy, along with 4 ice cubes in the drink putting it at a nice 37 degrees, a bendy straw, and an tooth pick umbrella.

When I am not home I have a different ideal situation. If I am out an about I love to read at the pond, lakes, and oceans. While I am reading the water soothes the senses and I feel at one with the book. Reading in the dangerous outdoors is a completely different experience than reading inside.I personally enjoy reading outdoors rather than indoors because it gives me a thrill.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

The Books of My Life (Continued)

Book That Made Me Laugh. Green Eggs And Ham is a book that has made me laugh. My mother would read this book to me as well when I was young. The rhymes in this book would make me smile as they are very clever. I still use some of the lines in this book to be funny here and there. Thinking about this book still makes me chuckle to this day because the rhymes are funny. This is a classic funny book as are many other Dr. Seuss books are.

Book I Recommend To Friends. I would recommend Perks of Being a Wallflower. I would recommend this book to them as you can relate to the book as it is about high school. This is also a read on the summer reading list so I would personally recommend everyone to read this for one of their choices. This book was also made into a movie so it would be cool to watch it after you read the book. Perks is not a long book either which is good for my friends as they are not much of readers.

Favorite Book That Went To Screen. World War Z is my favorite book that went to screen as it is a very action filled book. I enjoy watching movies about zombies already, so having a book about zombies that is also a movie is awesome. The book was different from the movie in many ways which I like because it is like you are getting two different stories. I enjoyed the movie very much because with the book you have to imagine the action, but in the movie you get to actually see some of the action on screen. 

Monday, May 5, 2014

The Books Of My Life (Continued)

Historical Memoir I Admire. Unbroken is my favorite historical memoir. Louie Zamperini is a very inspirational character. He goes from being a  child who likes to steal, destroy, and just wreak havoc. He goes into the war and this is where he exhibits heroism, and survival. His plane is taken down, and he floats at sea for 46 days which I find to be incredible. He is then taken by the Japanese and put into camps where he is tortured by the officers. He survives all of this and still lives to this day. That is why Louie is an inspiration of mine because he never quit and he kept going when the tough got tougher.

 Favorite Summer Reading Book. The White Tiger was the best book that I read for summer reading. This was required to read before high school started. Before this book I did not enjoy reading at all, but after reading this book I started to like it a little more. It was a very inspiration book as Balram worked his hardest to achieve his goals, and his friend dies which is a very sad part of the book. I enjoyed learning about Indian culture as well as the book touches on religion and such.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

The Books of My Life

Favorite Childhood Book. This is my favorite childhood book because my mother would read this to me almost every night before I went to bed. This story was like a nursery rhyme to be I would fall asleep during it. My favorite part of the book was that Max would wear a cape. As i got older I would help my mother read this to me at night. I still own this book, and always will as it brings good memories to me. 
Favorite Book Read For School. My favorite book that I have read for school. I had to read this book for my independent reading book for freshman year. This is a story about a "slum-dog" who gets onto a game show. He wins this game how for a million rupees, but is accused of cheating. He has to prove to the authorities how he knew these answers to the questions, they are all events in his life. I have read multiple books since freshmen year, but this book remains my favorite. 

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

My favorite book!
My least favorite book!
Hello, I am The Daf and I am a reader in readers choice. I have both likes and dislikes about reading. I dislike reading when I have to read a lot of pages in one sitting, I would much rather read at a slower pace and the amount that I want to read. I like reading fantasy, mystery, and fiction books. My least favorite kind of books are romance novels. I think that reading is a good thing for everyone to do, but the person must be enjoying the book. If you do not enjoy the book I do not believe that you should be reading it. My personal favorite book that  have read is Q & A by Vikas Swarup. The book that i have disliked the most in my lifetime of reading would have to be Guernsey and the potato peel society.  People should read my blog because I will be posting informative and interesting content about what we do and read in reader's choice. My blogs will also be filed with fun times for all! My blogs will give you insight on life, reading, survival skills, and more so stay tuned! There is much more to come i cant wait to take you all along with me on this blogging adventure.