Thursday, May 1, 2014

The Books of My Life

Favorite Childhood Book. This is my favorite childhood book because my mother would read this to me almost every night before I went to bed. This story was like a nursery rhyme to be I would fall asleep during it. My favorite part of the book was that Max would wear a cape. As i got older I would help my mother read this to me at night. I still own this book, and always will as it brings good memories to me. 
Favorite Book Read For School. My favorite book that I have read for school. I had to read this book for my independent reading book for freshman year. This is a story about a "slum-dog" who gets onto a game show. He wins this game how for a million rupees, but is accused of cheating. He has to prove to the authorities how he knew these answers to the questions, they are all events in his life. I have read multiple books since freshmen year, but this book remains my favorite. 

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